The app has been absolutely terrible, ever since it was updated. It was way easier to use before and much more user friendly. The app doesn’t display accurate information. For example, tonight, 12/15/24, there is an accident at the 117 mile marker on I-80 eastbound. It doesn’t show on the app, even though I have incidents selected. But it shows that accident on the website. This type of thing happens ALL THE TIME. It’s especially ironic because the app says that there is congestion for seemingly no apparent reason. I also cannot figure out how to look at the cameras without having to zoom in and out and select each on individually. That’s ridiculously time consuming. The same is true of trying to figure out what types of accidents, roadwork, etc is going on. I liked being able to select a region and look at everything, not have to look at an entire roadway or multiple roadways. And since it doesn’t accurately show incidents, using the map my route feature doesn’t make that any more efficient. I don’t want to map a route to see what is going on. I want the old app back that allowed me to see things in an easy way and was actually accurate. At this point, my husband and I are just going to delete the app and use the mobile website, since we cannot trust the app to be accurate and cannot use it with ease.