511PA Recenzje App


No plow data displayed. (Yes the feature is turned on) Turning on road conditions turns off all other features. Check your route useless. Sometimes a camera will show on the map. Others it won’t. The old app worked perfect. The new 511 is just as bad as compass.

Old version was better

New version is terrible. Doesn’t show where plows have been most of the time.

Is it possible to make a worse app?

Answer is no. Complete garbage

Needs work

Constantly freezing up then doesn’t load the map.

Go back to the old version

Deleting app . The old version I used all the time. The new version doesn’t even compare. It doesn’t show the correct traffic speeds. Doesn’t show incidents. Useless. I’m deleting it right now actually.


All we want are road conditions and traffic cameras! Why did you have to add so much vomit to a simple travel app? It’s ridiculous now

Garbage app

Can’t find cameras in it at all anymore. It wants to be a gps routing app, but we all have 3 of those on most of our phones already. I only ever used it for looking at traffic cameras to see if accidents were cleared. Now I just go to the 511pa website and find them there. Congrats, you ruined it.

I would give zero stars if I could. New app is inaccurate.

The app has been absolutely terrible, ever since it was updated. It was way easier to use before and much more user friendly. The app doesn’t display accurate information. For example, tonight, 12/15/24, there is an accident at the 117 mile marker on I-80 eastbound. It doesn’t show on the app, even though I have incidents selected. But it shows that accident on the website. This type of thing happens ALL THE TIME. It’s especially ironic because the app says that there is congestion for seemingly no apparent reason. I also cannot figure out how to look at the cameras without having to zoom in and out and select each on individually. That’s ridiculously time consuming. The same is true of trying to figure out what types of accidents, roadwork, etc is going on. I liked being able to select a region and look at everything, not have to look at an entire roadway or multiple roadways. And since it doesn’t accurately show incidents, using the map my route feature doesn’t make that any more efficient. I don’t want to map a route to see what is going on. I want the old app back that allowed me to see things in an easy way and was actually accurate. At this point, my husband and I are just going to delete the app and use the mobile website, since we cannot trust the app to be accurate and cannot use it with ease.


It’s useless. It didn’t even show lane closures the web site has. WAZE has more information. I deleted the app. Bad info is worse than no info. VA511 App, That’s a high quality app.


This version is so much worse than the old one. I can’t even get the map to show up. The whole app is slow, clunky, hard to navigate…there is nothing good about it! Fix it, please!


This is the most useless app after the update it doesn’t give you anything you need to properly navigate the roads in pa that other apps already have it just takes you to the 511 website and the website is not mobile friendly a true government accomplishment

Old version much better

The old version was simpler and easier to use it was informative, and extremely helpful, a great tool. I drive for a living and used to use this all the time since they’ve updated it. I hardly use it at all and when I do it, it’s about useless

New update is bad

I do not like the new version. Can’t quickly see traffic details. Have to plug in a destination address. Then I put in address and it tells me no routes are available for my destination.

Deleted the app

Whoever designed the update should be fired. The app is worthless. Use to be easy to get traffic updates. Not anymore. Wasn’t e of time

Regarding new version of 511 pa app

The old was more useful. Make a separate app connection to just the web version that links direct to traffic map. Get rid of the reduced screen appearance with link to X or an ability to easily hide the header. New screen is too cluttered and reduces what be easily seen on pocket phone sized screen. If I want to map my route I will go direct to my favorite app. Thanks

Worst app

Please go back to the old version! I’m in stopped traffic in I80 and this app shows my route is all green.

Bring back old version

This new version is horrible bring back the old one.

I do not like the new version

The previous version had everything I needed at my fingertips. If I wanted to use GPS, I would still use my previous map apps. I really liked having the camera or in the old version. And heaven‘s name would I need to go online to go look at it and it’s not even saved!

Version 3.1 - ehhhh

I preferred version 3.0. 3.1 is too busy with all the circled numbers. What I dislike the most is trying to see the speeds on the roads. The colors are not bold or wide enough like in 3.0. When zooming in, they’re still not wide enough, then eventually zooming in too much makes all the road speed colors go away. This is one of the most important parts of this app and now it’s really lacking in that department. I do like having the camera icons right there on the map (if enabled) but half the time they do not have streaming video, just a non-responsive picture. Currently using an iPhone 11 ProMax with ios 17.5.1.


Threw a bunch of junk in a simple easy to use. Now full of all kinds of junk. I'm deleting only wanted to check cameras and traffic conditions 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏼

Difficult to use

I am much preferred the previous version of this app. It was simpler to use, and the information was more streamlined. I am constantly having to renew the filters for the information I require.


All I want is to see where the road is good to go. Why does everyone think the upgrades are better. Green is good, Red is a slow down, Black means the traffic is stopped. Alerts in the area you are traveling. That was good enough.

Used to use it but too many permissions now

I used to click on the app for helpful and quick real-time traffic info but now keep getting a bunch of permission screens that I need to click through. Defeats the purpose.

New system stinks

Why didn’t u leave well enough alone.

Horrible new format

The amount of steps that I now have to take to get to the map is unbelievable. Please change it back, not user-friendly at all now.

Does not respect location setting

This app will monitor your location even if you have it set to only use location services while using the app. I discovered this because my battery was draining quickly after installing the app. I have an iPhone 15. The Dynamic Island shows the app’s icon even when not using the app. The developer doesn’t allow you to use the app without location services enabled- which should not be the case. The app doesn’t need to know my location for me to see the cameras in other parts of the Commonwealth that I want to see. Like all other things government, this too is wasteful and not functional the way it should be.

Winter help

It works and gives me the info I need. It’s not too dressed up as an app so if I need to show an older relative they can figure it out too. Thanks!

Terrible and practically useless

Camera's are Inop most of the time. Better to use one of the Pgh TV News stations . Typical Pa garbage !!!

Not Helpful

With all of the new technology that is out there, I’m shocked that this app hasn’t been updated in features in over four years. States like Ohio have road sensors, live cameras everywhere (not just a couple of interchanges) and user-friendly interactions. For such a large state, with major cities and interstate roadways, this app is disappointing.

Great App!

I have had this app for a couple years. It is not fancy, but it works. I get the information I am looking for before I leave home. I love that I can put my route and the time stamp of when my roads are taken care of or see where the trucks are if they haven’t.

Handy But Hogs Battery

Battery hog.

Poor interface

It looks like this app was done with a tool that make an app from there already poor/ancient website. They should hire a high school student to redesign them both.

App review

Very “junky” app. Minuscule stream across the top regarding a major storm. Awful to navigate. Maybe hire a college kid to redo this app?

Doesn’t work w/ locations off

App requires user to turn on location to work. Claims it’s for determining if the app is legal in current area but the website works fine on my phone. Also somehow, one time it actually worked without locations turned on so I don’t know what happened there. That one time it actually did work the app was pretty good. A shame that it doesn’t work without locations turned on otherwise it would have gotten a 4 or 5 star.


Horrible! Won’t shut alerts off, annoying!!! Have to keep deleting app . Why is this so hard to have an easy to use app to tell us road conditions??


It constantly has my location on and gps. I’ve went to settings to turn off and still won’t. I even deleted the app and it still is on! The app itself is a little confusing to use but once you figure it out it’s ok. It does give me good info about the roads during winter but it drains my battery with the constant location/gps

Drain battery

Always want to location and anonimus reporting ...sorry not work for my

PA 511

App need a bad update. Half the time cameras don’t work. No live view, still picture or just a black screen. Update: 3/7/19 app on phone don’t show traffic delay on the traffic map icon after new update. Update: 4/18/20 app is at it again need an update camera don’t work, no live view black screen only.


Is worthless! Did not even show “super load” movement 1 mile from where I live!

Genuinely terrible

This app is genuinely terrible. I'm pretty sure even a redesign wouldn't fix everything that's wrong with this app.

Needs improvements

Put the “bong” sound before the message so you know to pay attention, not after. This way you know or to listen for an upcoming message. You miss half the message before you realize there is one. The voice speaks too fast. Slow it down so you can pick up details.

Useless, runs all the time, drains battery

This app is almost completely useless. I ran it and allowed it to use my location all the time, yet it kept notifying me of traffic issues in areas no where near where I was or in the wrong direction from where I was traveling. For example I was traveling south on I-95 from Philadelphia and the app kept giving me traffic slowdown announcements for 95 between Aramingo and Girard. I set the app to only inform me of issues in the direction I was driving, but that apparently doesn’t work. Also the app was notifying me every few minutes. That was annoying because my car has Car Play and every time I got a notification the car switched to playing music from Apple Music instead of the radio. I had to keep switching back. Finally the app runs continuously in the background, even if the option to give notifications is disabled in the driving screen. I watched the app drain 10% of my phone’s battery over the course of a few hours while I was sitting in my living room. Considering the alerts the app gives me are mostly not applicable to where I’m driving and the severe battery drain when the app shouldn’t even be doing anything, I strongly recommend against using this app. You’ll get more reliable use from Waze, Google or Apple Maps.

Great app for what is does

Needs iPhone X, Xs, and Xs max support for screen resolution. Devs please update!

Very poor app

This app is designed for a local commuter, not a traveler passing through PA. Developer should look at any other 511 app to see how to do it better.

Not great

I’m glad it shows road conditions for winter but a couple things.. Can’t copy and paste an address, you MUST manually type it in which is super annoying. No GPS blip to show you your current location, you’ll have to bounce between your “Maps” app and this app to pinpoint you exact location, also super annoying.

Can’t read the route numbers

Looks like a spaghetti sandwich. Have to zoom in to read the numbers only to find out that I have the wrong spot. Practically useless.


Awful user interface, laggy and difficult to use. Not to mention that it gives no useful information and is extremely slow.


This is terrible

Battery hog

Drained a fully charged battery in less than six hours, even when not in use.

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